Japhet Creek Park

Japhet Creek Park

Japhet Creek is a historic bayou tributary that will be transformed into a key connector between the Fifth Ward, waterfront, and Greater East End.


For questions, please contact cferrell@buffalobayou.org.

Revitalized Tributary

Japhet Creek Park

Buffalo Bayou Partnership is bridging the bayou.

The new Japhet Creek Park (4600 Clinton Drive) was unveiled in September 2024 and includes:

  • New entry plaza welcoming the public into the pocket park
  • Removal of invasive species and planting of native wildflowers, trees, and grasses
  • New trails throughout the site for increased accessibility and recreation
  • Improved lighting for safety and programming


Future phases will include a new trail following along the creek to provide public access to the waterfront. This unique trail will lead to a bayou-crossing pedestrian bridge, the first of its kind in Buffalo Bayou East, that will link to Tony Marron Park on the south bank.


View the full Buffalo Bayou East Master Plan

Learn more about our work

By 2032, Buffalo Bayou Partnership and its partners will realize the Buffalo Bayou East 10-Year Plan, bringing parks, trails, bayou-crossing bridges, affordable housing, cultural destinations, and infrastructure improvements to the Greater East End and Fifth Ward. This visionary plan is made possible by a $100 million catalyst gift from the Kinder Foundation to Buffalo Bayou Partnership, which leveraged significant public support from Harris County and the City of Houston, including Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone funds.

To learn more about Buffalo Bayou East giving opportunities, please contact Leigh McBurnett, Vice President of Development. Join with Buffalo Bayou Partnership as we continue to establish a vital, connected, and welcoming waterfront for all Houstonians.