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2016 Komen Race for the Cure®


Street Closures

Please be aware of street closures for this race and plan your visit to Buffalo Bayou Park accordingly:

Lost Lake Access: One westbound lane of Allen Parkway will be open from Waugh Drive to Tirrell Street for Lost Lake access. Buffalo Bayou Park visitors can access Allen Parkway from Waugh (southbound) and turn right onto Allen Parkway (outbound). You will be able to get to Lost Lake and exit like normal. The street will not be closed beyond Tirrell, so you can access Shepherd north and south bound.

  • Allen Parkway north and southbound exit ramps from the Gulf and North Freeways (I-45)*
  • Sabine at Memorial Drive*
  • Walker cut-off to Allen Parkway and Sabine (I-45 North on-ramp) and the loop to McKinney remain open*
  • Allen Parkway (inbound) at Taft*; Allen Parkway inbound at Gillette*
  • Allen Parkway (outbound) at Bagby*
  • Allen Parkway (inbound and outbound) between Bagby and Shepherd Drive**
  • Bagby (northbound) at Dallas; Bagby (southbound) at McKinney
  • Dunlavy Street (access for residents only) between Allen Parkway and W. Dallas Street**
  • W. Dallas Street (two west lanes) between Dunlavy Street and Tirrell Street**
  • Tirrell Street (access for residents only) between W. Dallas and Allen Parkway**



More information about the Komen Race for the Cure

We Race because in the Komen Houston service area…

-3,141 cases of breast cancer are expected and 586 are expected to die.
-Every day, nine cases of breast cancer are diagnosed.
-Every day, three cases of breast cancer are diagnosed at later, harder to treat stages.
-Every day, two women will die of breast cancer. Texas ranks 34th in the U.S. for mammogram screening rates.
-Texas ranks 50th in the U.S. for uninsured rates.

But, when you participate and fundraise for the Race, we fight these statistics together. In 1980, the 5-year relative survival rate for women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer (cancer confined to the breast) was about 74 percent. Today, that number is 99 percent! Komen has played a critical role in every major advance in the fight against breast cancer – transforming how the world talks about and treats this disease and helping to turn millions of breast cancer patients into breast cancer survivors. This progress was made with your continued support and together we can reach our vision of a world without breast cancer. Learn more.