Sound Healing Meditation

BUFFALO BAYOU PARK CISTERN 105 Sabine Street, Houston, TX, United States

Find your center and practice meditation in the spacious and tranquil Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern. Offered in collaboration with Union is Creation, this meditation series will feature the use of […]

Canceled Jazzy Sundays in Buffalo Bayou Park

THE WATER WORKS 105 Sabine Street, Houston, TX, United States

Join us for these free, family-friendly jazz concerts, held every Sunday in May at The Water Works in Buffalo Bayou Park (105 Sabine Street) from 5-7pm!

Buffalo Bayou Park Wellness Walk

THE WATER WORKS 105 Sabine Street, Houston, TX, United States

Join Buffalo Bayou Partnership on a free Wellness Walk led by Laura Conely, founder of Urban Paths. Anyone and everyone is invited to walk through the paths of Buffalo Bayou Park while discussing topics including mental and physical health as well as the benefits of being exposed to nature.

Sunset Yoga

THE WATER WORKS 105 Sabine Street, Houston, TX, United States

Wind down with Sunset Yoga on Buffalo Bayou! From April through September, we’re partnering with The Breathing Room to offer a series of evening yoga sessions on the 2nd and […]

Bat Boat Tour

ALLEN'S LANDING 1001 Commerce Street, Houston, TX, United States

Sail the scenic waterway on a 90-minute, guided tour from downtown to Waugh Drive Bridge and back to watch the emergence of the 250,000+ Mexican free-tailed bats that live under […]

Sound Healing Meditation

BUFFALO BAYOU PARK CISTERN 105 Sabine Street, Houston, TX, United States

Find your center and practice meditation in the spacious and tranquil Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern. Offered in collaboration with Union is Creation, this meditation series will feature the use of […]

Buffalo Bayou Boat Tours

ALLEN'S LANDING 1001 Commerce Street, Houston, TX, United States

Escape within the heart of the city and glide along Buffalo Bayou. From the waterway, look for wildlife and unique views of Houston's skyline.

Bat Boat Tour

ALLEN'S LANDING 1001 Commerce Street, Houston, TX, United States

Sail the scenic waterway on a 90-minute, guided tour from downtown to Waugh Drive Bridge and back to watch the emergence of the 250,000+ Mexican free-tailed bats that live under […]

Sound Healing Meditation

BUFFALO BAYOU PARK CISTERN 105 Sabine Street, Houston, TX, United States

Find your center and practice meditation in the spacious and tranquil Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern. Offered in collaboration with Union is Creation, this meditation series will feature the use of […]

Canceled Cocktails in Bloom

ELEANOR TINSLEY PARK 500 Allen Parkway, Houston, TX, United States

 Cocktails in Bloom has been rescheduled for June 6, 2023 due to inclement weather. Join BBP for our second annual Cocktails in Bloom. This year’s event will be held al fresco in […]